Day one complete!

Well, I didn’t sleep last night….At all. My mind kept switching between English and Luganda and I was thinking of all of the things I forgot to put in a place where I would have access to them in my bag. It was kinda a rough night.
When we got up and ready, Vincent and two coworkers came to pray with us before we left town around 7:30 after eating a breakfast pineapple, papaya, and hard boiled eggs.

Once we turned off the main road, it was like we had stepped into a book. The misty horizon, greenery, and Ugandan people working in the fields, taking boda body’s into town and waving at us with encouragement made me think, “I can’t believe I’m here riding my bike in Uganda after all this time.” It was a bit overwhelming.

The terrain today was hilly – up and down, up and down. I tried to use my Luganda with almost every person I saw because once we move out of this area, they speak different languages and I will have to stick to English. I’m so glad I learned the little I did. To be able to give the right greeting was very effective and it felt like everyone was cheering us on with waves and laughter. They are truly a lovely culture.

It rained once for about an hour and then we dried out. It rained again pretty hard and we got pretty soaked. We stopped after about 30 miles of riding because it seemed there was not much for places to stay once we left the town of Busunju. We found a cheap but clean guesthouse and the shower was warm. I’m feeling pretty spoiled.