Kassanda Seed Junior School

This school has been a dream of Kassanda Children’s Aid since their conception in 2012. Located in Jjemba Village just outside of Kassanda, the school employs 10 teachers, a security person, a cook and services approximately 200 students from the area from nursery school to a recently-added P. 6 class. The land and dilapidated buildings were donated to KCA and with generous donors, and in a very short time since 2020, we have rebuilt the structures, provide a new latrine, a high efficiency cooking stove to save fuel, a reliable van, a security gate and cameras, built a girls’ dorm and a boys’ dorm with a little store, built new classrooms, an office and provided school uniforms, playground equipment, band instruments, sports equipment and provide a better learning environment with chairs, desks, teaching supplies, blackboards, paper/school supplies and solar lights.

Meet the Teachers | Meet the Students


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100% of the money donated will go directly to Kassanda Seed School.